Did Jonathan Kent die for a dog?

kevin_costner_and_friends_by_elspethmac-d34c9j1Did Jonathan die for a dog?

No, he died for Clark’s future. Jonathan believed Clark’s destiny was to change the world. However, Jonathan also acknowledge that Clark could grow up to be a man of bad character. If the world discovered Clark before he had answers, before he was ready, it would have captured him, persecuted him, and experimented on him. Clark would have been tormented by questions that he couldn’t answer and subjected to all that, his character likely would have soured. A being with Clark’s strength and abilities who had been made to hate the world would not change it for the better. Jonathan was convicted that the world wasn’t ready for Clark and Lois (and Perry) agreed. read more

Official Batmobile Image – “Who Pumps The Tires?”

The Batmobile is just awesome to look at, but it also may imply more about Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice than may be apparent at first glance….
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