Man of steel answers insight commentary episode one kryptonian remnant of answers a welcome to name the steel answers insight commentary on your mantis steel apologist Dr. awkward I cover a mosaic of topics are fans who love discussing the man of steel and the DC cinematic universe together will tackle the criticisms of an ambitious and polarizing film to gain insight into the future of the shared universe on today's episode to cover the remnants of kryptonian technology what still left on earth after mantis steel and how could impact the future films or Superman's characterization if you're like me you really enjoyed the manna steel but you knew it would be polarizing even a year later people are still discussing it still debating it passionately and with a lot of enthusiasm Batman the Superman is just two years off and we got a DC cinematic universe slated Toronto 2020 that excitement and passion is only going to grow so this is a podcast for fans want to dive deep into the manna steel to answer the critics and the confused the show isn't meant to convert anybody reasonable minds in a differ after all but it's for fans who love to chew their food to this is a pilot episode and I'm still working out the kinks on the format but as a general approach will go to start with digestive analysis that means within the logic or the world of the story not because those are necessarily the main criticisms or controversies that surround this film but because they tend to be more objective fact based questions which we can address more decisively after we develop a factual basis for what happened in the films that we can begin to subjectively analyze the crazy decisions made outside the film I think that's a logical approach and also gives me time to polish the format before getting into the really big controversies like the tornado scene with ending we deftly want to give those topics there do from a multifaceted approach in the meantime to do overview episodes like this one so let's just get right into it on the list off all the technologies first and then we'll go back and discuss them one by one number one we got Lois's escape pod number two we got the kryptonian signals or code transmitted by saws ultimatum number three we got the environmental impact or the terra formed Earth from the black zero in the world engine working in tandem for the period of time that they were operational number four we got Zahn's body number five with got the scout ship and number six we got the Arctic shuttle if you're scratching your head on a either of those two will come back and discuss them explain why in the number seven we got Zahn's armor so let's start with low's escape pod you might remember that she was ejected on the blog zero and her pod was damaged when it was fired upon by Carfax Carfax is the name of the kryptonian that she was wrestling with think it's in the credits and it's also the novelization wasn't mentioned in the films of even know their name to worry about it it is just an escape on but the same time you'd be surprised how much scientist could glean from even our direct exploded smoldering escape pod you'd be up to glean from it materials so that organic nature of kryptonian technology just the the small size of it compared to a human space pod or escape pod so that she heat shielding all these, technologies could all just come from that one little escape pod right so the next thing that we got number two on the list are the kryptonian signals or code and the thing about that is that we become get the impression that the black zero was scanning the earth for some period of time before they made their sort of grand entrance we know that they have some rudimentary understanding of human society technology language all those things they knew to single out for example Lois Lane they knew how to make the ultimatum effective and they didn't they did in a way that they were able to take over everything with the screen honor so the hats less pretty impressive I don't know if that was done via some sort of master broadcast signal that was just so amazing that's able to overtake all those different disparate technologies or that some Uber hack that kryptonian code is able to crack all those different things but either way it's impressive in either way there may be some sort of remnant there for humans to study or to use or manipulate so either there is this master override broadcast signal that humans can study and say you know this might be a nice way to overtake other technology news and invade other technologies or there may be some sort of cold leftover a code that's able to Uber hack everything with the screen honor and the thing about that yet you might think I'm getting overly excited about this but that's sort of overarching universal hacking technology is such a useful lubricant for taking superhero tropes work that's why you have so many Oracle or watchtower or hacker type characters who are support staff for superheroes because you need at kind of almost hacker magic to make things work and here in a brief little segment of the film we get a hint of something that might be used that way so that's kind of interesting right next week got the environmental impact/terra formed Earth they came out of the the world engine and the black zero working in tandem for the peer that they were working so wasn't like they just turned on and you were instantly stopped or wasn't like that they were ticking down to being turned on no they were running for a good amount of time maybe to the grievance of a lot of viewers who were upset by how much damage they did but the fact is they they may yell their purpose is in the film was the terraform Earth they were running for a period of time with that affect so presumably the actually terra formed the earth some now granted that may be an assumption if you look at the outposts the kryptonian outpost none of them were good that we saw on to be added to the fair we only saw one that one outpost that we so did not have a habitable kryptonian environment they were on it in spacesuits right they had their the big glass dome astronaut home it's all so it's arguable that the effects are reversible or maybe that environment wasn't eligible for terraforming the first place so maybe Earth experience the effects temporarily and then reversed who knows but I think more intuitively we tend to believe that whatever impact there was was was actually impacted the other thing is the earth is a massive massive massive thing so you could even effectively terraform it but terraform it so little as to make no meaningful difference how that might be the other possibility is been therefore but nothing happened but hey none of that is exciting let's talk about things that are possibly exciting ride the things that may lead to future films or affect other characters or the first one we've got and the one that a lot of people clung to because they they they want to they want to see at a man be pissed off at Superman is because the bottom line the Indian Ocean impact right you have this giant device essentially doing at least one study or report claimed is the equivalent of a repeating nuclear physical strike without the radiation against the Indian Ocean parting the seas and doing God knows what to the environment the impact alone could devastate environments ecological environments particularly I mean weekly certainly solid into an urban environment but ill the ocean is a delicate ecosystem and pounding it with nukes repeatedly have probably isn't so good for it and who knows what kind of energies or materials or toxins were produced in the process right so what are the things that people are speculated of course is that Aquaman is not at all happy with this now I have some issues with him bringing grievance to Superman two years later after the event we don't know the Batman he Superman or Justice league is two years later that's comes from a rumor dealing with the statue scene sorry if no spoiler alert on that it is really just speculation this point but it is a little bit odd to be really really mad at Superman and then sit on it for 720 days before he so but we can talk about rumor around that will be a future episode I promise the other thing is pretty obvious is that kryptonian atmosphere the kryptonian environment is a is a weakening factor for for Superman and Man of steel it was a stand-in for kryptonite and so what is an obvious product or byproduct of terraforming but potentially some form of kryptonite or at least some mineral or process that could be refined into kryptonite presumably terraforming the planet into krypton would not in enough self generate kryptonite at the planet was in a giant radioactive green rock but perhaps because the process was interrupted or because you know it's introducing these new and interesting elements some enterprising billionaire chooses to refine a research at this could be a other easy starting point for kryptonite now obviously as fans we have a mixed emotions about kryptonite it is certainly a part of the mythos but it's so interesting to have freedom from it for the first time in a film and adaptation of Superman for an extended period it seems it's something I think I would like them to keep exploring for now if they don't have to pull that that kryptonite record just yet maybe we can we can have some more original and really interesting and challenging stories without having to rely on that kryptonite trope okay so number four we've got Zions body okay that's something that may be your mind didn't jump to immediately as say technology right it's a little morbid it's the things it summaries body right but assuming that somebody claims that body and that person is an Superman that is incredible wealth of information and potential technology nodes on is the product of eugenics he experienced at least some somatic reconditioning has a part of his prison sentence and for all we know either soldiers or in the womb they undergo somatic reconditioning so his mind would be the product of some sort of process like that you have tissue samples you have their genes that DNA you be able to divine weaknesses from this and of course you'd be able to have all the fun biological freaks and clones and misfits coming from these alien genetic samples so you've got your bizarro you've got your doomsday you potentially have parasite in every other Superman villain coming out of organically-based Superman villain coming out of Zions body and I've mixed feelings about that as well I don't necessarily feel that everything needs to be kryptonian magic but at the same time there's a there's a certain elegance to it and I can understand why a lot of maybe rumormongers or fansite people have gravitated theories like that okay so number five is the scout ship and you might be protesting and saying hang on a second the scout ship was destroyed it it it it got crash in and win into that singularity with the black zero well know the how didn't win you see Zahn for the first time after the singularity the scout ship is clearly at least a large portion of it clearly visible behind him and that's very logical for a couple reasons I mean one is odd one sucked into the singularity the singularity disappeared and sought its is is still out there is told by himself so why wouldn't the ship that he went down with be also outside of the reach of that singularity there is also and this is sort of a side theory but we can talk about a later the scout ship traveled to earth by normal means it didn't have a phantom drives so he never spent any time in the Phantom zone was never paid in Phantom zone energies like the things struck by the gravity beam like the debris's struck by the gravity being or like the kryptonian's who spend some time in the Phantom zone both as prisoners and in using the Phantom drive or Superman ship or Superman himself so all of those things that were sucked into the singularity they were things that were exposed previously to Phantom zone energies and that explains why Lois can fall freely away from the singularity whereas things around them were being pulled up and Superman had to himself resist the pull of that singularity so you are you just got a freebie answer the disco To deal with this episode but yet the scout ship was largely intact okay we did see Cal Al or Superman uses heat vision and an damage to the the controls we did see the Genesis chamber crack and flawed but at the end of day that's a giant piece attack the matter how much of it is operational sitting in the middle metropolis and think us how much and archaeological engineering scientific team could learn from that so inside whether working or not you've got the Genesis chamber and everything that it can teach you about kryptonian eugenics biology fertilization the robotics the little droids that maintain and manage the Genesis chamber the one that we saw back on krypton you figure similar robots have to be in that ship we also know that it's got the hovering security droids it's got AI I know that you saying hang on a second Jarrell was erased yet but you have to remember that there was the AI that responded to side in order to delete char out and also was the same AI that did the targeting while we don't know how advanced that AI is the other possibilities for all we know Jarrell is actually still in he's krypton's foremost scientists he's computer operated and enhanced so maybe he can help hack a security program is trying to hack him who knows there's still a backdoor therefore may be AI Jarrell to be hidden away on a backup or something within the remnants of the scout ship as a quick aside the hovering security droids one of the things that we like to explore on this podcast is whether a technology would implicate other affects or uses that would seemingly be logic and if you got a hovering security tried then why don't you have an antigravity jet pack right well the answer to that is the only time we ever see the hovering security droids is always in or near large structures and they never travel particularly fast there that there somewhat slow and for all we know there and they're not they don't support tickly much weight so the first point of being always in or near large structures its assumption to say that their flight ability is completely within themselves they may be reacting or responding to a more prevailing overarching technology that's when they're within their large objects structures their ships their buildings and speaking specifically for primarily of something like a a maglev type technology right so in other words if you just put one of these robots out in the middle of Kansas it can't fly but if you put it within a Citta Dell or next to a giant scout ship then it can fly on rails kind of idea so that probably tell you they could have had hovering jet packs but then they'd also be slow and in which case is not to go useful and I will stick with my shuttle or my alien dragonfly beast that quickest much more agile faster and useful okay so that's the scout ship now I think the most exciting technology the one with the most potential the most impact on the possible DC you at least in theory it could be quite dry terms of trying to translated to an actual movie but from from my perspective this the one that would excite me the most if I knew about it and that's the Arctic shut the Arctic show the shuttle that is on talk from the black 02 the Arctic in order to commandeer the scout ship so he left that shuttle better in that shuttle is completely intact it's undamaged is completely operational unlike everything that I mentioned above it it's working and so that means from it you can learn propulsion technologies powering technology and engine technologies weapons systems operating weapons systems operating computer systems databases materials telecommunications this is something that traveled according to the movie at 380 kn switch had to look up obviously but it's approximately 440 mph it was highly maneuverable its gun was able to take out fighter pilots with ease and that's just the vehicle itself consider all the information technology on a ship like that or sort of the procedural or processing to technology on the materials how they build this thing but information technology is exciting to an LB honest I didn't quite catch the fact that the Arctic shuttle was in play it's only after watching the Blu-ray disc extras where they start talking about kryptonian culture from the perspective the US government going in and through the Arctic shuttles databases that had that this lightbulb went off well it's not even a label big Dave had directly showed it to me but just summary am so excited unlike WoW think about how much information humanity is go have access to that is light-years light years beyond their information or other skirt current tech level in speaking about excitement it's not technically a technology but one of the big impacts that first contact with the kryptonian's cause is knowledge that certain technologies or possibilities exist within the universe definitively it's one thing to work towards for example faster than light technology on just a theory it's another thing if you know for a fact that somebody has been able to do it and now you're trying to work towards that goal and that the sort of impact that could have in the DC cinematic universe for example you have some scientists were trying to untapped unlock faster than light technology they say you nowhere now within the reach of other extraterrestrial peoples we need to be of the have some range we need to have that speed so let's start to really gear up towards STL technology and in the process of doing that maybe to have an accident maybe they have a problem and suddenly you get the flash I think that makes a lot more sense than a guy getting splashed with some random chemicals and some lightning getting faster than light abilities right chemicals and lightning don't really tie to speed schematically don't get me wrong flashes might next favorite hero after Superman and sometimes even first depending on how it's going but will only Wally West and one from any other flashes but but while these my God hump but I forgot where is going with this but it might make for a nice updated origin for the flash okay so that's about aside last but not least we got Zions armor not his last not because it's the most impactful although it could be but more because I think of any use it to illustrate kind of my approach to this podcast and how we use a semblance of logic to come to certain conclusions and they are out how things work and obviously it is just an experiment so feel free to comment and join in the discussion in and make things work so first off the armor is an interesting and exciting in a way because it's one of the things most likely to be recovered by private industry versus the government try merrily because it was lost at a Luther facility and second because it's such this small piece of technology it's something that could easily be disclaimed as lost within the rubble of faded the battle it's not like the scout ship which that big giant piece attack some wisdom to take custody of it inalienable the government you there Superman but is not something that Luther could just snatch up without anybody noticing but the armor the armor could be disappeared into a Luther Corp. or Lex Corp. vault so first things first is that armor Howard is it power armor you might be familiar with the Halo series or going further back starship troopers or if your animator Mecca fan like me you are very familiar with the idea of power armor I would be inclined to say no I would say that the powers that you see on earth are the product of well that's another episode let's get cool cut will get that in the bud that's another episode I think the quick rebuttal to whether it is power armor not is that we have extensive action scenes on krypton and based on what we observe it doesn't look like there was any power armor in effect while in crypto those might be different armors in the made turned off their power it is of course based on assumptions and then that's best the way this show work we try to make sort of reasonable assumptions and try to come to a reasonable conclusion or satisfying conclusion but I would be inclined to say that that that the armor stop powered now here's the the following is the armor superstrong help durable help powerful is that armor think the feet then immediately jumps to mind is failed not getting struck by a missile and various scratch on her later write her armor is perfectly fine completely intact and just in general surviving Superman level strikes right business he this clearly isn't just some metal armor or ceramic composite or whatever this is something quite durable would be the immediate assumption that you would jump to write but what we got a do is we got a reconciled bunch of things that we saw in the film so one of things is that dynamic didn't dodge the A-10 attack fire and one of the arguments you could say is that he didn't dodge it because he knew his armor could withstand it right paid they had a ready been scanning human technology they've sort of had a general idea that the best that we had his kinetic weapons may be nukes on the outset but overall they understand that are conventional weapons can affect their their armor and the relatively confident in this so because of that Amick doesn't dodge the A-10 fire and he gets up dusts off at even after getting hit without a problem one theory is because the armor is that strong okay but we have to reconcile it with some other things we had issue of kryptonian small arms fire George L on krypton killed some armored troopers with small arms fire and Lois killed a kryptonian in armor on the black zero she also shot somebody in the head but that that doesn't affect the analysis we also have to reconcile the fact that Dorrell was stabbed by a knife knife that they apparently is standard issue it's has enough utility that they packet into a retracting sheath in Zions forearm and has enough utility that it standard issue for failover to take into battle with her however it doesn't have enough utility that either of them try to attack Superman with their respective knives whether they had them are not and they do continue to carry these knives into battle now enlisting all those things obviously am making also is a little assumptions for example I assume that that the knives are brought into battle for utilitarian purposes but that's not always the case even today our soldiers bring things and the tradition out of culture for reasons other than pure utility by the same token I assume that the knives are effective on Superman because they were used against him but at the same time that assumes that they were going all out against Superman and we have to remember that at the time that they were fighting him initially they wanted him to that wanted initially want to live but at that time do you know where the Codex was so they weren't quite ready to accept you have to remember as soon as is I got back onto the ship and as soon as he found out what the Codex aware was always his first question does tell only to be alive for us to get the Codex so their their battle plan in a non-small bill may have been more containment or control to get their reins back onto LL not so much to kill them so in any case so there's two possible theories of this sort of the traditional burn era Superman theory which is that kryptonian's empowered by the yellow radiation of our son emailed a bioelectric field a couple of centimeters off their skin enough to enhance their clothing to be in vulnerable it's a comic book conceit that save Superman from uncomfortable nudity whenever he's being struck by things that should destroy damage or otherwise strip away his clothing instead there protected by force field coming off his body and of course is the theory that we've been talking about along which is that no it's not the field coming off the kryptonian's but it's that the that the armor itself is super hyper durable okay so in the first case with a bioelectric field it doesn't address sort of the theory that we put under Amick not dodging we said that mimic didn't dodge because he knew that his armor could take the hit and if it was just as bioelectric field than why did he take the hit while one answer is that he didn't want to take the head it's it's an assumption that even wanted to her could dodge the other two kryptonian did dive but maybe now makes just a little slower right maybe he can maybe he he just isn't that quick on the draw so he didn't mean to take that right alternatively maybe he just knew that he'd be in vulnerable the second time Pharaoh touches touches base with earth right the first time is in retrieving powwow and Lois the second time is at the Kent farm she effortlessly jumps with precision and accuracy into the Kent barn to inspect the craft in which Callow came to earth for the Codex so apparently she either intuited or experienced or Somehow she knew she had a grasp of her leaping ability and annual CNET has that same intuition and an grass of his leaping ability could he plucks and eight and out of the sky in reprisal for being shot by one of them right so maybe they have a and experience are intuition or expectation of how their powers will operate so it a Humana been tanking because of his armor he may been tanking because he knew he would be up to survive he may have just been invincible but the one thing that sort of potentially debunks this whole bioelectric field thing is Superman's ability to actually damage the helmets arguably their field should make their helmets as invulnerable as the rest of their armor and Superman's ability to damage them and therefore take both Zide and Faye or out of the battle tends to suggest that they aren't making their clothing in vulnerable we also have another precedent for that and that is the oil rig seat I know that a lot of our our listeners who are inclined out where quite happy that the environment damaged Clark so that he was in the shirtless tatters but that would tend to suggest that he isn't emanating a field that makes his clothing in vulnerable right so I think we can cross that off so then the suddenly got the super durable armor theory okay and now were back to those questions of the small arms fire in the knives while the first case is in on the question is how do these work against the arm and you can have two types of answers one you could say that they don't work as the armor but that the lessee to beach through at least not with a small arms fire the sender hit did happen to take out a kryptonian on the ship that it did happen takeout kryptonian's back on krypton and the knife I guess you could argue that it's slipped under the ribs or it was only going at the skin suit it just went around the armor but but we don't know that that that's an assumption all of this is his chance but were building this if you have it taken the end So the LSATs or any kind of formalized testing with a test your logic what you do is you make these giant matrices of precepts and positions and assumptions and theories and then you so to work it like a machine like a program and you run your theories through them to reach conclusions about certain what were doing here and just you know this will kindly give you a idea of whether you can like this podcast and I may improve on the format I may improve in communicating this more clearly and more elegantly but this is where were going okay so if this is not your cup of tea you Katrina now but if you love this stuff if you love trying to reconcile all these different little pieces of data and trying to make one coherent sensible theory then this is the podcast for you because that's all organ be different for the first couple of five for the first couple of episodes in just try to establish in one coherent story and then coming back and analyzing it from a creative's perspective aren't sorry about the got have dragged their so one of the arguments that they're not super effective is that they didn't use them against Superman and to the extent that they did use them once again Superman didn't work the of the shuttle actually shot Superman the chest and he didn't die while we discussed this a ready we said that maybe it didn't actually want Superman dead and it's possible that the shuttle didn't use its full blast when it shut Superman may have used a more controlled firing patterns in order to just stun him or put them out of the battle temporarily we know that they sort a have this capability because when Cal owls ship was launched in the 1st Pl., Zide pointed to it and said bring that ship down and the shipping charge changed its guns the begun turn on the on the tip of the ship switched to a barrel with a sort of smaller degree or smaller girth tending to imply that would be a weaker and weaker shot rather than sort of incinerating shot and so may be the lack of small arms fire against Superman is explainable by the fact that the krypton's didn't want a super effective weapon attacking him prior to knowing where the Codex was right same thing with the knives maybe that's white in the music and Superman that's one way to reconcile it now I've got another radical theory completely specious just all may help consult speculative but another theory is that both small arms and the knives are only specifically super effective against kryptonian armor and is a sort of a natural instinct or impulse or impact in sort of the blood the race between arms and defenses as you build up defensive technologies technologies that are able to resist or repel certain attacks you develop attacks which specifically target or foil or evade those defenses so with you I'm going on so I won't come into the whole molecular zipper had an idea but the ideas you can have a knife that is specifically effective against kryptonian armor and only just normally effective as a normal life against anything else okay going back to the character motivations fail or sort of plays with her prey like a cat so it's a massive assumption to say that she brings that knife in the battle for utilitarian purposes it may just be ceremonial and may be cultural and may be heard personal creepy fetish of the right and those things happen good these are rich complex characters that are not just just people that automatically act like robots and do the most efficient most rational thing every single time right okay I think we'll leave it at that and come back in a later episode to discuss how all this technology may affect PC film possibly Superman's characterization for now I hope you enjoyed of pilot so please I need your feedback question answers insightful commentary go to Madisonville and post in our forums or you can email you like what you heard please review the show in iTunes and subscribe this is Dr. uplift manna steel apologists signing off