Man of Steel answers insight commentary episode eight the club Superman and I will ask the obvious question start asking questions and answers welcome to Man of Steel answers insight commentary on your Man of Steel apologist Dr. awkward I cover a mosaic of topics for fans who love discussing the Man of Steel and the DC cinematic universe together will endeavor to answer the questions criticisms and controversies raised by Man of Steel and those excited by the anticipated DC cinematic universe today will address some Superman fan fears and answers a mail back questions this podcast dives deep into the Man of Steel to answer the critics and the confused the show is not meant to convert anybody but the celebrate a film that will lead us into the DC cinematic universe reasonable minds will differ but this is a show for fans who love to Man of Steel and who love to chew their food will if you been listening along you know that I've been trying to produce evergreen overview episodes tackling die genic topics for I get the hang of this whole podcast thing however I've had some mail and news building up and I just saw something on the horizon that I felt needed to be addressed Batman be Superman Donna justice releases March 25, 2016 years a quarter out it's too early to expect or be entitled to a teaser trailer nonetheless there are rumors of an allegedly Batman heavy teaser for intended release at the end of the year a Batman heavy teaser could cause some Superman fans to meltdown if they were holding onto some fears or misconceptions about Batman be Superman I was already parsing through interview footage in order to synthesize authorial and crater intent answers for the website but I realized a lot of Zaks answers went to the heart of Superman fan fears about Batman be Superman so I quickly cut something together to give a little insight into where the filmmakers mines are at with Superman that shortly after the video was released we start to get location photos of Superman in Chicago in the suit reinforcing the point that he's in the film with much of the info coming from the film being Batman related I think some Superman fans were starting to fear Superman was either going to be neglected or diminished in this bill I'm not saying that every Superman fan has every one of these fears but to briefly list some of the some Superman fans are afraid that Superman is going to be disrespected by Batman at Snyder's hand in the upcoming Batman be Superman some believe that the realistic tone of Man of Steel shows favoritism towards Batman some fear that Snyder prefers Batman over Superman and that alleged bias means building up Batman at Superman's expense some fear that Snyder is trying to adapt the dark Knight returns into BBS and shoehorn it Superman into the DC cinematic universe there are concerns that Batman be Superman will be eight Batman centric film and that Superman will be shortchanged his development before justice league so I cut together some of Snyder's responses which would tend to address answer these issues that given my lack of talent and experience it takes a bit of time which I normally spend on this podcast so I'm converting the video into of audio podcast we just a little additional commentary for this week's episode then if we has to time of tackle a few the mail back questions at the end so we have our opening title card Batman be Superman will honor Superman or Zack loves Superman and on the YouTube channel there's also the other subtitle answering Superman fan fears if I had to sum up this video in three points is basically these one that is not adapting the dark Knight returns or using its Superman to Zack loves admires and gets Superman and three Zack believes Superman is essential to justice league and needs development to get that since the first point would confuse people don't know what the dark Knight returns is in the last point is a bit complicated I entitled the peace primarily after the second point I think the word honor to show a loving respect but not a definitive preference for declaration of victory without going down too much of a rabbit trail values this example the film Rocky honors Rocky Balboa to the satisfaction of the audience even if Rocky doesn't win his fight but speaking of fights are first card Snyder on who would win in a fight between Batman and Superman now this is a clip from San Diego comic con 2012 I you and I and their you can hear Snyder's absolute disbelief at the question shows that he knows that Superman would and should clearly when the question is to him and the audience a joke know by itself this doesn't mean that Snyder prefers or has a bias towards Superman over Batman in fact he explicitly declares his love for Batman but it means that Snyder doesn't check his brain at the door when he's asked the question as some fans fear he might now that doesn't necessarily matter in a stylized or unrealistic universe where we do ask audiences to check their brains at the door but as you'll hear from the following clips that's not the kind of film that Man of Steel was or is intended to be our next card reads not adapting the dark Knight returns now visually and on Batman side of things unquestionably Batman be Superman is taking cues from the dark Knight returns however that has led to fears that that includes Superman's portrayal from dark Knight returns from TKR Snyder makes it explicitly clear three times over in the videos that I've cut together that he's not adapting TKR this next clip comes from San Diego comic con 2013 and or of course the clip ends with that odd comment so how does TKR help tell the story so I answer it immediately with the next clip which comes from MSN the title card reads how the dark Knight returns helps the story Snyder used TKR for guidance on what not to do with Superman in our 20 I'm not a fan of this will regularly on the effect not as yet he met and I you know Frank version of Superman and dark Knight returns is I know he is that Boy Scout government Boy Scout right now think of a more than light going to to places it is the Superman I want to Superman that completely even off some sort of new the opposite that in order for him to be like the Superman you want to the second is Frank Superman tell me what to do in a way by Lemmie huge fan of that rendering Superman before incarnation he had to be getting off feel like the clip speaks for itself despite Zaks reverence for an relationship with Frank Miller he's enough of a Superman fan to know that's not where you go for your definitive take so the drive home the point of third clip where DC all access presented Tiffany Smith does a behind the scenes interview with the Zack Snyder and Kevin Smith on the set of the yahoo movies Q&A promoting the release of the Blu-ray hosted by Kevin Smith now this occurred months after the release of the film and as talks and production of Batman be Superman was underway the card reads Snyder is not adapting TKR Batman is being adapted to Superman's world Superman is not being adapted to accommodate Batman's TKR so… Any of you have of 11 and will not adapting comics don't I don't want to see in this moving on the exact strutted the fragment was the dark Knight returns that we deserve its own moving goggling wonder he's lived be solely somebody to get everybody was very a very attenuated at UW did everything that I Where we're bringing Batman into the universe that that now this Superman lives they need comic book stores that don't of years lands of how many different creators already have a different take on now you've got the tools and so makings actually make movies that look like this outposts around and you like to the greatest has shown you I like Len I do it every good combo creator doesn't takes the character and does what they were able to do study was able to suffer this will they shall be something you thought about this is a cool addition this is the to me is what you do as an artist now take your like to do something different with him to do what I do that it was bold so a neck clip Snyder affirms that the world built by Man of Steel is the one that there sticking by and they're not adapting TKR Smith also make some good points about the boldness to do original stories but at this point the skeptical may be asking why does Snyder's vision of Superman matter isn't this the guy that admires Frank Miller and who did the ultimate deconstruction of the superhero genre in watchmen so I wanted to bridge what you knew about Snyder and what he feels about Superman so the next card comes before and interview with first showing and it reads watchmen legitimized comics as commentary on an artform as the first and greatest superhero Superman legitimizes all comics and I like that comic book that sort of the all version comic book in the I like an intellectual like like comic books like what is happening in the movie by the comic is one that I I I I holiday to the end of what I is inserted you like what you will result very quite is there a way to light their way to love you a lot like to Superman making the film why I really wanted to love Superman you like to policy okay because he represents so much he's the first he's the greatest you see the top of the pyramid DC universe in my opinion it all comics he certainly had that you of the Godfather the in every genre, make it work is to make all world legitimized that whole so there's how big moviegoers will feel that see that you need a responsibility would like me you were in your can find sort of why comic books for why storytelling all does have any in case you couldn't watch the video and it doesn't come across in the audio Zack is elaborately gesturing and shrugging and rolling his eyes in a bit of self-deprecation almost sarcasm about watchmen representing and evolved form of comic book fandom now it it's don't get me wrong to appreciate watchmen requires a degree of literacy in the genre to appreciate what Alan Moore was deconstructing in the fact that he could do so with so much depth and commentary illustrates why comic books are a rich and legitimate artform but Zaks body language and tone indicates that he's aware of how body that position can be he's recognize that after it was all over and after he got it out of his system justifying your love of comics through commentary about comics is different than directly loving the comics themselves there's nothing left after the commentary has been made nothing goes forward it's part of the reason the DC's efforts to monetize the IP through the before watchmen line was met with such mixed reaction and controversy over what watchmen means however love and adoration of Superman can be more pure and lasting since it was always intended to be enjoyed in that manner here Snyder says that he endeavored to translate his love for Superman to fill he explicitly says Superman is the first and the greatest and how making Superman work for the audience is another way to justify his love of comic books which can last it's a way to justify your love that can go on and on the next card reads good filmmaking comes first Superman will not be treated unrealistically for Batman's sake so the clip here shows Snyder's priorities and intentions with Man of Steel think cell I think the Crestview accredited the dark Knight into the room and the Jonathan light in superhero world like-minded movie right attitude that guy that something I never and never felt like a movie should exist in the real world for that he liked Superman should like it should be your we designed movie has like movies we shoot on location allotted you know in real settings with real situations because I feel like the most realistic movie all make them of Superman is ironic but in some ways right because I like the idea that in order to support him like never exit like to never existed I think in some ways from you do a style I Superman movie is the Superman movies that automate because they're all to memories that are similar legitimate existence some sort of weird stylize world where like everyone's like pie and Chevrolet in this like I like inside the American dream in a weird way to the idea from ESI or the interesting is that being able to release the character from the world at stylize world he's been stuck out and bring them to our own see what he does personally I feel that Man of Steel delivered with one of the most applicable and relatable Superman betrayals to date understanding Snyder's intentions then it seems unlikely to me that he some we can a toss that all out the window and let Batman walk all over Superman unrealistically I don't mean to say that Batman will not get his licks and or perhaps have realistic avenues for engaging Superman but they're not can a break their carefully crafted reality just to make Batman supernaturally effective against Superman but how could a mere mortal possibly engage Superman well we discussed that in our last episode need you haven't listened that podcast go back and check it out but I also try to hint at it with the next card which reads Snyder was consistent with Superman's abilities Batman may engage without rewriting Superman really careful with that stuff I wanted I I remember I created charging us how habit of white light what weapons would hurt him and what level I like small arms fire is like believing in and then all the way up to get a cruise missile I said is getting the like getting hit by 250 fellow linebacker from 80 away together with a running start and then all after like a nuclear weapon? I like what I think I don't know maybe this clip from I GN delights me for a number of reasons first if you followed the podcast so far I'm sure you know that lists and catalogs and measurements a disorder thing that I'm into insofar as die genic analysis is concerned second that Snyder is doing this shows a similar inclination and desire to maintain a consistent rule set for the film now I enjoy that just as an audience member but also as a fan trying to divine his hidden lists from their effect on the film third to the point about Batman it shows that there is a spectrum of conventional force that can still result in compelling action even if Superman is an actually harmed if you enjoyed the action in Man of Steel consider this Superman is barely hurt or harmed throughout the entire film yet it was still pulse pounding visually compelling slickly choreographed and enjoyable to watch action Batman can bring to bear things that will still give us scenes where Superman's knocked around even if his invulnerability is never compromised and if his invulnerability is compromised it will be realistically justified consistent with Snyder's careful plotting and charting of Superman's invulnerability it won't be simply an arbitrary nursing or inexplicable weakening of Superman merely for Batman's benefit I basically reiterate the point with the next clip and its card Snyder will preserve Superman's reality Superman is the top Snyder will not break Superman for Batman the way Superman is often is that if you believe it is really a priority you believe the physics of Superman and so that's really sort of where the whole file we know that the pyramid atop appear me DC universe is right now to is not we make Superman if you get Superman to like the strong and and it can be powerful and his world then it can trickle down and you can say okay I had the top of the pyramid I can start to build another world for Snyder to go back on the reality that he's made would break the believability that he strived so hard to achieve he reiterates that the entire plan for the DC see you rests in making Superman work and being perceived as powerful this next clip was added to the remastered version the title card Snyder's favorite superhero it Superman is a half of: say is despite saying that Superman is his favorite superhero because of the music playing over the clip in the weird phrasing which could be confusing or taken out of context I didn't want to lead with this for fear that it would take some of the punch in the humor out of the first few clips the main point I'm revisiting is the fact that Snyder does not have a Batman bias even if such favoritism were to affect the film at all for some there is a fear that to Snyder Superman is just a visual effects toy to play with and that he understands nothing about Superman as a character that he intends for Superman to remain dark and brooding into Batman be Superman will first that fear does not quite appreciate Clark's journey and why he was troubled throughout the film and why Man of Steel ends with a Superman who could justifiably be of a completely different disposition we discussed this and episode two of the podcast if you want more reasons why and second the following clips shows that Snyder understands the character so the card for the next two clips is Snyder understands Superman's character in the story first and that maybe says how this is further on is an apartheid kind of universal things observed you all of us that human and the other things I think are you know naturally in Superman is a character in the he's kind of he's all of us that he's the best we can be at the same time I really believe in trying to make happen in the film is to say have anyone in the audience going while I was Superman silent it actually is what I like really was represented in this sort of really conflict mythology that I feel I could amazingly important even how to help people to day ago Superman is that they because he does like to help everyone was a helping people of Michael know I think that you know and so that is really important for me to get that message out you sort of sacrifice and his message of volunteer work it already is what is all about like to the anonymous writer he's a slight like nobody's know I am healthy I think that's cool for us in on this modern world were both so snarky and wanted to just like say you know that you video the people who I don't get that is and then of course you know that Superman is to me let's just reiterate those points real quickly to Snyder Superman is the best that we can be he's relatable he's important and relevant he's here to help he self-sacrificing he's humble and he's a volunteer now if you're concerned that you didn't see all of that Man of Steel on one hand I'd ask you to look again with an open mind and an open heart but on the other hand and ask you to check out the answer section of the website under the creative headache and look at the intentions behind Man of Steel briefly Man of Steel was Clark's story and journey to becoming Superman and he doesn't come Superman in till after stopping thought also recently released there's this great video deserves a plug becomes from YouTube user J Benz entitled a thesis on Man of Steel if I have time I'll talk about it more and the mailbag section but it's a great video that brings some of the creative analysis to the film and the symbolism of birth that the film represents if you're in the camp that felt that you didn't see all these characteristics this should excite you because it means that Snyder is going to double his efforts to make sure that these values and these characteristics come across in Batman be Superman there's another great interview out there not included in my video in which Snyder talks about the reception to sucker punch in it he was disappointed in himself in not being able to communicate his intentions to the audience at the same time it is his strong preference to make films where the parties can passionately discuss with the film meant from different perspectives so Snyder wants his viewpoint to be part of the discussion but he wants his films to have enough ambiguity and depth to generate that discussion this really appeals to me as a fan because as I say in the opening of every episode this podcast is for fans who love to chew their food and I tend to get that from Snyder's films even when they're routinely pigeonholed as merely visual spectacles Snyder avoids spoon feeding the audience now compare that to the Marvel films I genuinely and really enjoy Marvel's efforts in this arena to put as much as I liked the winter soldier and guardians of the galaxy I left both feeling somewhat empty because there was nothing of substance to discuss analyze or debate afterwards Boyer uses the term frothy to describe such fair I think that's a little bit too dismissive interrogatory for highly effective and enjoyable films but it does sort of conveyed the absence of substance that I feel afterwards now the point of this whole tangent is that Snyder is highly motivated to make you feel his grasp of the character in Batman be Superman and that means conveying all those noble traits that he has described in those interviews rather than as some Superman fans fear merely an ill tempered superpowered bully rather than a man of character however to get there so that we can see Superman story has to be told and that leads us to the next card Superman's story will be told Superman is the key to the justice league BDS is not primarily a Batman film these next two clips has Snyder reiterating Superman's importance and place in the DC see you and justice league iconic building the comic book universe no doubt no question in the story that hit right so you go okay with the top of the pyramid Superman question hiding him up barite hiding him back got back you have a good doing is said reliable what got you like what what about just laying what about like whatever more Superman movie doesn't with the United house about in order to know before you can start you know argument is that I suggest really comes down to you make Superman cool had for me anyway he voices mingle so it's not like at thing where I had to say like putting in like jeans and a T-shirt and letter you know I'm saying I got is everything. That conversation I like not identity in the red indicate the big yet you really you to get Superman is that in order to thing that Superman like he's charitable or the of his a there were so is Superman altogether then I think is a caveat about what you while Batman is a new and shiny toy and a reliable box office brand Snyder makes it clear that to get to justice league it Superman that's the key not Batman in essence Batman has been included in a Superman movie to enhance Superman story not the other way around BDS is a film intending to take Superman from the day old rookie at the end of Man of Steel to someone worthy of being the chairman of the justice league we knew that this was the plan from the subtitle gone of justice indicating a radical shift in the world something not in body by an older weary veteran vigilante who set in his ways know the justice league represents a progression from Superman stories and values and BDS is the primary steppingstone to get you there the only other slate of films in between our suicide squad and wonder woman neither of which is expected to heavily features Superman so with BDS his job is to move the ball and it can't primarily be a Batman film and nor should we wanted to be we have just come off a definitive Batman retelling and going in-depth too much would be a disservice moreover the dark team member almost always benefits from a bit of mystery we should be told some but left wanting more the mystique around the bad boys a comics is part of what made characters like Wolverine legends into their popularity made us ferret out every little detail of their lives this new Batman benefits from being in the shadows both literally and in the literary sense now their time more indications that BDS is primarily a Superman fans but since I'm running long will skip those hopefully I'll put them together in an infographics or another video or something like that at some point so the last clip and it reads Snyder adores the characters and cast of sucker punch his own creation they are arguably more powerful than Batman Snyder definitively pics Superman as winning Snyder will not dishonor Superman or treat him inconsistently because of bias real or imagined I think the points mostly speak for themselves of course I just want to clarify like a did at the beginning of this video this does not mean that Batman will not get his legs and if any fan is hoping for Batman to have absolutely no impact on Superman whatsoever their setting themselves up for disappointment however I believe that whatever scrap that they get into will be fair to and ultimately in the big picture flattering to both characters I really discussed this point in the last podcast so let me talk a little bit more on the clip first I like to end on a bit of comedy like we started and second as a bit of meta-commentary it's interesting to see Jenna Malone in this interview and her admiration for Snyder now that she's all but confirmed to have a role in BDS third Snyder once again reaffirms his approach to Man of Steel forth he picks Superman without the slightest hesitation over his own beloved sucker punch girls Snyder doesn't play favorites would pose with the question dependent on reason and fifth that amusing incredulity of the girls have to comply on the same of you like and then direct to tell and say is to have confidence he had interest I just is not as many some wild and woolly season saw similar visual style in to be seen in the things that I think that Superman is inserted entirely different thing from answer but you like his credibility relies on his believability and I really like prequel to put them in a hard reality of Superman woodwind standardized to be and I think we have a about Downing and when she came in eating regular he is I think you will you so it is now time for our long awaited mailbag thank you for your patience if you submitted a question and you've been waiting for an answer if you do send me a question please let me know if you're okay with me providing your name on the air or in the podcast my default assumption is that you're okay with the question being read in the podcast but without your full name let me know differently if it's otherwise so our first question comes from Maggie who asks would see it's basically how I feel about Batman getting top billing in the title to be honest it does bug me a little as a Superman fan but not enough to make a big deal out of it in a Superman in the title on of justice is the subtitle for my video you can tell that my belief is that this would be substantially a Superman film leading to a justice league film so with two thirds of the title and most the film dedicated to Superman for the league giving up top billing barely even matters additionally what's in a name titles tend to be a reflection of marketing more than substance as proven by the fact that they can and are changed for foreign markets for example Capt. America was often retitled the first avenger outside of the US edge of tomorrow was famously rebranded as live die repeat recently to the bottom line is it's not a big deal our second question asks about the kryptonite armor rumors from three weeks ago in a basically asks about kryptonite as I've said in previous episodes I'd like for them to try to keep kryptonite out of the world for a little bit longer just because it's played such a prominent role in previous films and it's refreshing to have a different take that doesn't need to lean on my fear is that kryptonite is practically a character unto itself and it would use up valuable screen time simply justifying itself its name its appearance its existence and its effects in an expository manner than once all that time has been invested into it though be this strong impetus to try and get a return on that investment by using and relying on kryptonite more and more in future films otherwise it's just a lot of time and development spent on something only ever appearing in one film conversely are committing yourself to seeing kryptonite in a bunch of films so all that said those are just my fears in my preference but I nonetheless keeping an open mind and an optimistic outlook you know it's going to be tough to explain Batman standing toe to toe with Superman under any circumstance whether or not kryptonite is involved so I almost want them to just do the work without it is there already can have to go to trouble justifying that confrontation and let's be honest kryptonite doesn't really completely get you there in less a behaves completely differently than we have come to expect in the past so why add it the main reason data like I said would be to do that sort of work so that you can rely on it in the future but I'd rather sort of enjoyed universe without it for as long as we All that said I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it showed up at see Matt here asks about the Marvel movie slate and whether the DCC you could possibly catch up he makes a point that Marvel will be richer in character world building and possibly money by their 10 film Headstart and so he suggests that the DCC you films will always seemed lacking by comparison Wilmette I'm not inherently prejudice against the Marvel films I limit the scope of the content that I have to cover or comment on simply to make my life easier so I'm focusing on DC with an emphasis on Superman you might be surprised that I actually agree with you in some respects Marvel has an unquestionable Headstart is a was always going to be a gap in the amount of media and more media means more. However I would challenge you are maybe two points first is that DC has to catch-up and second that DC will seem lacking you know in terms of the quote unquote catching up dealt lists there are economic goals that exist but in terms of competition a rising tide raises all boats guardians of the galaxy pave the way for something as offbeat as the suicide squad and dark Knight paves the way for bigger production budgets days of future past proves that franchises can rebound and big 06 shows that there's this on tap all ages market the DCC you just has to do it's thing and so long as we get good films they won't be quote unquote lacking they might have less stuff but there's an upper limit on that and more isn't always better there's a certain amount of attrition where you just can't assume that everybody has watched all previous 10+ films so at a certain point you've got diminished returns on your quote unquote more another thing is that it DC maintains this generally more realistic approach a natural degree of richness comes from more relatable realities than one suspended by more fanciful tropes it's part of the reason that I can have such in-depth discussions about Man of Steel because there are more rules parallel to our room the tropes make Marvel films more perhaps digestible but for me the more grounded DC approach may make the films more meaningful look don't worry about pitting one against the other enjoyed both for what they offer and what they are and of course like all art there are no hard and fast rules you can find meaning in less real realities and you can find the desert of the real to be empty and lacking in meeting there's no point in putting up these artificial walls just enjoy it all with an open mind and an open heart another listener he has a screen name again I don't know if you guys want me to read your screenings are not for future reference if you want me to do let me know another listener asks about Lex Luther being on the suicide squad will first it's only a rumor second I believe that the rumor is that David air the director wants Luther in the film but not Messerli on the squad itself so basically I don't think Luther's been a be on the team itself that said in the spirit of the question it really depends on how they play Luther in Batman be Superman let's not forget that so far he's the only died in will villain confirmed for the film there is no confirmation of Italo brainiac or any other per se villain in Batman be Superman if Superman is the protagonist arguably Batman is the film's antagonist even if he's not a villain and based on some rumors it's possible that the US government and ordinary citizenship also represent antagonists to a degree however it's pretty clear that at some point Superman and Batman have to team up and if Luther's the only villain his threat level has to be explained in justifiable if Luther is the smartest man in the room to a nearly supernatural degree it might actually be interesting to see somebody with extraordinary intelligence in the company of characters with legitimate superpowers however that practically demands the film be written around Luther and frankly convincing super intelligence is a high wire act because it demands the writer be the smartest person in the world at least within the scope of writing the story writers usually sort of hand waived the issue by leaning on super science or jettisoning common sense as an Achilles' heel but I'm not sure that that works for a more realistic approach to hyper intelligence is however Luther is merely a supporting role or piece of connective tissue between suicide squad and the larger DCC you I'm completely on board and excited about it it shows the significance of Superman's enemies to the larger world their power their influence their relevance it helps the suicide squad to be more world building and reinforces whatever Batman be Superman puts on the table at least hopefully incidentally nobody asked but I thought I'd just put a quick disclaimer until somebody is officially cast I generally don't hold or have strong opinions about casting I just don't so if you want to know what I think about it casting rumor or who should play what I probably don't have anything interesting to say after their cast however I love trying to crawl inside the casting directors had an to show you what they may have seen so that something I will weigh in on and when we get to it I'll be really excited to talk about doubt the dots casting as wonder woman I'm also excited about some of the other justice league members and of course as long as were talking Superman we will be going over Eisenberg and athletic and the rest of those cast members look forward to that discussion eventually a Reddit user asks when will I start doing creative commentary I'm not sure creative commentary is more subjective but it lies at the heart of some of the deeper criticisms of Man of Steel I wasn't planning on tackling it directly for a while but I was greatly inspired by video that I mentioned earlier by J band on YouTube entitled a thesis on Man of Steel I definitely think it deserves more views for being a thought-provoking and persuasively composed and polished video you don't necessarily have to buy every point or parallel posited but I respect the thoughtfulness of the analysis in the effort in communicating it in a compelling form if you haven't seen it yet but the links in the show notes on the website and the YouTube channel I think it's conclusion is a must-see for Man of Steel fans I might do an episode commenting on its commentary but honestly it's inspired me to bulk up on my own creative commentary there are some creative parallels that I'd love to discuss but now I'm trying to think of ways to communicate them better than my typical wall of text essays so hopefully that's down the road and of course please remember that this is a hobby for me in I have a career have a life had no support staff on this every piece of content that I'm producing is a part of my life of that I'm giving up so please be patient lastly have some photos that were leaked on the Batman side of BDS mild spoilers ahead though honestly as a big part of the show is attempting to plot and predict the DCC you is probably not the best podcast for the spoiler sensitive that set for seemingly confirmed plot point I will try and provide preambles like this morning that your hearing now so it looks like we'll be seeing the death of the Wayne's again this time for the first time in live-action after leaving the Mark of Zorro I am not at all worried about this scene first of all it will be 11 years over a decade since we solved the Wayne's die on film which is plenty of time to reach a new audience second this is an authentic comic book touch it's much like Snyder playing tribute to rallies diner in some of the set photos we saw a month back third the Zorro version of the origin is wonderfully concise and amenable to a compressed version of Batman's origin and that's because the concept of Zorro itself gets you more than halfway to the idea of Batman Edwards if you buy or acceptor understand the idea of Zorro it only takes another halfstep to get you to a Batman lastly this goes along with the spirit that we've been talking about in the video of not taking things for granted you know that everybody knows Batman's origin is a convenient crutch that you can use to cut down your film but if you do that you sacrifice some of your films timelessness if it needs footnotes to fill in the blanks years later even if this is just a glimpse a retelling of your ordered sets your film off as a definitive version rather than some Amalgamated continuation of Nolan's Batman if you don't make it clear that there's been a reset button you can have a handful of those confused audience members that think is this: Batman grown-up years down the road I think it's been a be stunningly clear through the film that this is a different Batman this is just another small element to pay tribute to which helps move us along in that direction right I got a few other questions but I think will tackle them some other time thanks so much for the questions guys again if you're any one of the ones I had that I rough today and you did much in a red off just let me know I'll put it in a future episode if you recently? Me know I'll put in the question and I apologize if I've sort of edited down your questions I think I responded back to most of you an email more thoroughly the from podcast I just sort of condensed that veto on the editing those either you know let me know I tried to respect in our listeners this show is yours as well as mine is no point me just talking out to empty air so again I really appreciate the feedback I really appreciate the letters thanks a lot if you have questions make sure that you post some of the comments or you can send me an email at aren't I think I've rambled on long enough Man of Steel answers insight commentary is a proud member of the Superman podcast network so here are some promos for the network shows that I suggest you check out if you want to extend your enjoyment of the Superman mythos got it together from the far reaches of beings that are assembled and that's what got dedicated to the bust greatest superhero is covered Superman like featuring Superman: a the DC comics crisis Superman podcast is Superman this you will is Superman forever and about the you you you you are you will podcast KL from Superman is John Wilson really help you are leaving my present bat your retailer Michael they start to Sam result is Mario is given by an highlighted I gave Younis and how has Gotti they because that what thanks so much soliciting I just love discussing the stuff been stuck with me hopefully you do to continually grateful for each and every listener hope you join us in Man of Steel that way you question one answers insight you want to share commentary to make composing the comments for all your like-minded apologist is or you can email if you like what you heard please review the show in iTunes and subscribed this is Dr. awkward your DC cinematic universe apologist signing on CNX