Brief 0

coverblackNOT AN EPISODE

  1. Explain the Experimental Format
  2. Empathy Exhaustion
    1. Superhero Physique is to Body Image as _______ are to _______.
    2. Answer- Paragons : Altruism
  3. Explain and intro the Rambles

Twitter: @mosanswers
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  1. I appreciate your integrity, Doc. I can see how it would be tricky to apply your usual levels of analysis to JL, there’s just not as much to dig into.

    Regardless, thanks for all your work.

    • I mean even if I loved it and I wanted to, I don’t think it’s intended to be analyzed to that level so it’s unfair to. Even if I could force it, there are films of this type I’d rather analyze before this one. That said, I’m open to being wrong and happy to see others do thoughtful or passionate analysis if it inspires them. I can’t fault someone for loving something.

  2. Hi Doc. I must say I was a bit shocked to see so many new episodes pop up on my iPhone’s podcast app. I think this would be a very interesting direction to go into. Why, just listening to the opening half-minute of Ramble Road 1 is an experience because you sound so much more casual and less of the “slightly nervous lecturer” you present in most of the other episodes. 🙂

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